What are the interest charges? How are they applied?

The interest rate on the amount funded by the broker is 0.05% per day (18% annually). The charges are applied starting from the day after the transaction (T+1) and continue until the position is cleared. Interest is calculated everyday but billed weekly and will appear on your ledger at the end of each week.
Introductory Offer:

As part of a limited-time offer, the interest rate is reduced to 0.03% per day until March 2025.
Example of Interest Calculation:
Case 1 (No Collateral) 

- Ledger Balance: ₹80,000 
- Margin Used: ₹100,000 
- Funded Value: ₹20,000 
- Daily Interest: ₹20,000 × 0.05% = ₹10 per day
Case 2 (With Collateral, no ledger balance) 

- Ledger Balance: ₹0 
- Collateral Value after haircut: ₹5,00,000 
- Margin Used: ₹100,000 
- Funded Value: ₹100,000 
- Daily Interest: ₹100,000 × 0.05% = ₹50 per day

Last updated: 6 Days Ago



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