Adroit Infotech Ltd Partly Paidup Stock Analysis
- Adroit Infotech Ltd Partly Paidup delivered a 1-year return of 49.30% compared to the Nifty 50, which provided a return of 11.64% as of the last trading session.
- Adroit Infotech Ltd Partly Paidup share price moved down by 100.00% from its previous close of INR ₹6.42. The latest Adroit Infotech Ltd Partly Paidup share price is INR ₹0.
- Adroit Infotech Ltd Partly Paidup share price today has been at a low of 6.30 and a high of 8.24. Over the past 52 weeks, the Adroit Infotech Ltd Partly Paidup share price has seen a low of 4.05 and a high of 9.39.