AGM Date: 09 Aug 2022
AGM 09/08/2022
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed updates on Annual General Meeting, Books Closure, e-voting and attendance through VC / OAVM facility of the Company. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of Kirloskar Industries Limited held on 9 August 2022. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed the following: 1. Voting results pursuant to Regulation 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, (the Regulations). 2. Scrutinizer's Report pursuant to Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, including amendments thereof, on remote e-voting and e-voting during the AGM. Based on the aforesaid Scrutinizer's Report, the resolutions for item nos. 1 to 11 of the AGM Notice were passed with requisite majority. You are requested to take the same on your records.
Sir / Madam, Pursuant to Regulations 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and based on the Scrutinizers Report on voting results; please find enclosed ''''Updates regarding Directors of the Company''''. You are requested to take the same on record.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 09.08.2022)
Kirloskar Industries Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results of AGM, under Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 10.08.2022)
AGM Date: 12 Aug 2023
The 29th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Kirloskar Industries Limited (the Company) will be held on Saturday, 12 August 2023, at 2:30 p.m. (IST) through Video Conferencing (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) facility.
Pursuant to the provisions of Regulations 42 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books of Kirloskar Industries Limited will remain closed from Sunday, 6 August 2023 to Saturday, 12 August 2023, (both days inclusive) for the purpose of AGM and declaration of Dividend for the Financial Year 2022-2023. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Record Date For AGM And Declaration Of Dividend
This is to inform you that the Dividend, if declared, by the members of the Company at the AGM, will be paid on or before 11 September 2023, through various modes Credits / NEFT / RTGS / NECS / Dividend Warrants / Demand Drafts / Banker''s Cheque or any other mode available with the bank, subject to deduction of tax at source, wherever applicable, to those members: A. whose names appear as Beneficial Owners as at the end of the business hours on Saturday, 5 August 2023, in the list of Beneficial Owners to be furnished by National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Limited in respect of equity shares held in electronic form, and B. whose names appear as Members in the Registers of the Company after giving effect to valid applications for share transmissions / deletion of names in physical form lodged with the Company / Registrar and Share Transfer Agent on or before Saturday, 5 August 2023. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Kirloskar Industries Limited has informed BSE about Notice of Shareholders Meeting for Annual General Meeting.
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed three copies of notice published in the Financial Express (English) and Loksatta (Marathi) each on 18 July 2023, regarding Annual General Meeting of the Company, Remote e-voting and Book Closure. You are requested to take the same on your record.
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 18/07/2023)
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 12 August 2023. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed Scrutinizer''s Report for the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 12 August 2023. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Sir / Madam, The members of the Company in its meeting held on 12 August 2023, approved the re-appointment of Mr. Satish Jamdar (DIN 00036653), as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office for a second term up to his attaining his attaining the age of 75 years i.e., up to 8 May 2027, with effect from 17 May 2023. You are requested to take the same on your record.
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 12/08/2023)
AGM Date: 25 Sep 2024
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed intimation regarding AGM, Book Closure, E-voting and attendance through VC / OAVM facility. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed proceedings of the Annual General Meeting held on 25 September 2024. You are requested to take the same on your record.
Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed Scrutinizer''s Report along with the voting results for the Annual General Meeting held on 25 September 2024. You are requested to take the same on your record
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 25.09.2024)