EGM Date: 27 Jun 2023
Approved issue and allotment of up-to 9,08,000 Equity Shares & 1,92,000 Warrants of Face Value of Rs.5/- (Rupees Five Only) each , on preferential basis, at an issue price of Rs.716/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and Sixteen Only)
This is in continuation to our letters dated Saturday, June 03, 2023, wherein it was informed that the Board of Directors of the Company have approved convening of the Extra Ordinary General Meeting ('EGM') of the Equity Shareholders of the Company on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 12 PM through Video Conference (VC)/ Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) facility. You are requested to kindly take the same on record.
Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Please find enclose herewith newspaper advertisement cutting for Extra- Ordinary General Meeting along with record dates and details of e-voting information, published in 'The Financial Express' and 'Vir Arjun' (Dehradun) on 04.06.2023.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 05/06/2023)
Corrigendum - Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) scheduled on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 12 PM through Video Conferencing (VC)/Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM)
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 20/06/2023)
The Extraordinary General Meeting ('EGM') of Shareholders of the Company was held on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 12:00 Noon and concluded at 1:00 p.m. through video conferencing/other audio visual means in accordance with the circular(s) issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Securities and Exchange Board of India in this regard and business(es) mentioned in the Notice dated June 03, 2023, convening the EGM, transacted thereat.
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 27/06/2023)
Voting Results as per Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI LODR Regulations, 2015
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 28/06/2023)