AGM Date: 27 Sep 2022
1. Fixation of date of 105th Annual General Meeting and approval of draft Notice of AGM 2. Cut-off dates for despatch of notice for 105th AGM and Annual Report to the Members 3. Schedule of e-voting and Cut-off date for e-voting 4. Board's Report along with annexures thereto 5. Appointment of scrutinizer 6. Closure of Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books for the purpose of dividend, if declared at the AGM b) Dividend pay-out date and cut-off date for payment of dividend, if declared at the AGM
The Notice of the 105th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 at 12:00 noon, 1ST through Two way Video Conferencing ('VC') or Other Audio-Visual Means ('OAVM').
The Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from Wednesday, 21st September, 2022 to Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of distribution of dividend for the Financial Year 2021-22.
1. Fixation of date of 105th Annual General Meeting and approval of draft Notice of AGM 2. Cut-off dates for despatch of notice for 105th AGM and Annual Report to the Members 3. Schedule of e-voting and Cut-off date for e-voting 4. Board's Report along with annexures thereto 5. Appointment of scrutinizer 6. Closure of Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books for the purpose of dividend, if declared at the AGM b) Dividend pay-out date and cut-off date for payment of dividend, if declared at the AGM
(As Per BSE Announcement PDF Dated on 05.08.2022)
Please find enclosed the following copies of Newspaper Publication on the subject, 'Notice of the 105th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and connected matters' published in the following newspapers on Wednesday, 31st August, 2022: 1. Business Standard (in all India English Edition) 2. Aajkal (in Bengali, West Bengal Edition) 3. Business Standard (in all India Hindi Edition) The copies of the said newspaper advertisements are also available on the website of the Company at
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 31/08/2022)
This is further to our letter dated 5th August, 2022 intimating that the 105th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Company will be held on Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 at 12:00 noon (IST) through Video Conferencing (VC) / Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) in compliance with applicable Circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Pursuant to Regulation 34 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith a copy of Annual Report of the Company for the Financial Year 2021-22 along with the Notice of the 105th AGM of the Company. The Notice of the AGM and the Annual Report as referred above are also being hosted on the Company''s website at and on the website of e-voting Agency, National Securities Depository Limited at
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 3/9/2022)
In furtherance to our intimation dated 3rd September, 2022 and in terms of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III thereof, please find enclosed the Summary of the Proceedings of the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 through Two-way Video Conferencing ('VC')/Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) at 12:00 Noon IST. Kindly take the above intimation on your record.
In compliance of Regulation 30 of the LODR read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III thereof, this is to further inform that the Members at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Tuesday, 27.09. 2022 at 12:00 Noon IST through Two-way Video Conferencing/Other Audio-Visual Means, have approved the appointment of Shri Adika Ratna Sekhar, (DIN: 08053637) as Chairman and Managing Director of the Company in the pay scale of Rs. 1,80,000-3,20,000 with effect from the date of his assumption of charge, i.e. 3.11.2021 till the date of his superannuation, i.e. 30.06.2024, or until further orders from the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India (Administrative Ministry), whichever is earlier, on such terms and conditions as stated in letters bearing reference no. CA-31024/2/2020-PNG (36125) dated 3rd November, 2021 and 29th December, 2021 received from the Administrative Ministry and whose period of office shall be subject to retirement of directors by rotation.
In compliance of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III thereof, this is to further inform that the Members at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 at 12:00 Noon IST through Two-way Video Conferencing/Other Audio-Visual Means, have approved the appointment of Dr. Vandana Minda Heda, (DIN: 09402294) as a Non-Executive Independent Director for a period of three years with effect from the date of notification of her appointment i.e. from 8th November, 2021 or until further orders from the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India (Administrative Ministry) on such other terms and conditions as contained in letter No. CA-31033/2/2021-PNG (39069) dated 8th November, 2021 received from the Administrative Ministry and her appointment letter dated 1st December, 2021.
In compliance of Regulation 30 of the LODR read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III thereof, this is to further inform that the Members at the 105th AGM of the Company held on Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 at 12:00 Noon IST through Two-way Video Conferencing/Other Audio-Visual Means, have approved the appointment of Shri R. M. Uthayaraja (DIN 09678056) as a Wholetime Director to the post of Director (Manufacturing Businesses), in the scale of pay of Rs. 1,60,000 - 2,90,000/- (revised) for a period of five years with effect from the date of his assumption of charge of the post i.e. 14th July 2022, or till the date of his superannuation, or until further orders from the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (Administrative Ministry), whichever is the earliest and whose period of office shall be subject to retirement of directors by rotation and other terms & conditions as contained in the letter no. CA-31024/1/2019-PNG (30909) dated 14th July, 2022 from the Administrative Ministry
In compliance of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III thereof, this is to further inform that the Members at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 at 12:00 Noon IST through Two-way Video Conferencing/Other Audio-Visual Means, have approved the appointment of Shri Rajeev Kumar, (DIN: 09402066) as a Non-Executive Independent Director for a period of three years with effect from the date of notification of her appointment i.e. from 8th November, 2021 or until further orders from the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India (Administrative Ministry) on such other terms and conditions as contained in letter No. CA-31033/2/2021-PNG (39069) dated 8th November, 2021 received from the Administrative Ministry and his appointment letter dated 1st December, 2021
This is with reference to our intimations dated 5th August, 2022 and 3rd September, 2022, regarding Notice dated 5th August, 2022 of the 105th of Annual General Meeting dated 27th September, 2022, seeking the consent of the Members of the Company through Ordinary Resolution for the items as set out in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting. In furtherance to the same, we hereby enclose the Consolidated Scrutinizer's Report for e- voting carried out through remote e-voting and e-voting during the 105th Annual General Meeting. The Consolidated Scrutinizer's Report shall also be available on the website of the Company i.e., and on the website of the e-voting agency i.e. National Securities Depository Limited at You are requested to take the above information on record
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 28/9/2022)
This is with reference to our intimations dated 5th August, 2022 and 3rd September, 2022, regarding Notice dated 5th August, 2022 of the 105th of Annual General Meeting dated 27th September, 2022, seeking the consent of the Members of the Company through Ordinary Resolutions for the items as set out in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting. In furtherance to the same, we hereby enclose the following: 1. Voting Results of the items transacted through e- voting in terms of Regulation 44(3) of the Listing Regulations, in the format as specified. (Attached as Annexure- A) 2. Consolidated Scrutinizer's Report for e- voting. (Attached as Annexure- B) The aforesaid documents under serial no. 1 and 2 shall also be available on the website of the Company i.e., and on the website of the e-voting agency i.e. National Securities Depository Limited at You are requested to take the above information on record.
This is with reference to our intimations dated 5th August, 2022 and 3rd September, 2022, regarding Notice dated 5th August, 2022 of the 105th of Annual General Meeting dated 27th September, 2022, seeking the consent of the Members of the Company through Ordinary Resolutions for the items as set out in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting. In furtherance to the same, we hereby enclose the following: 1. Voting Results of the items transacted through e- voting in terms of Regulation 44(3) of the Listing Regulations, in the format as specified. (Attached as Annexure- A) 2. Consolidated Scrutinizer's Report for e- voting. (Attached as Annexure- B) The aforesaid documents under serial no. 1 and 2 shall also be available on the website of the Company i.e., and on the website of the e-voting agency i.e. National Securities Depository Limited at You are requested to take the above information on record.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 29/09/2022)