AGM Date: 30 Sep 2022
Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Please find enclosed herewith the copy of Notice of 39th Annual General Meeting, E- Voting and Book Closure as published in newspaper 'The Jansatta' Hindi and 'Financial Express' as English edition dated 01st September, 2022. This is for your information and record.
Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to the provision of Regulation 30 and other relevant Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, read with para a of Part A of schedule III of the said Regulations. In this regard, we wish to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held today i.e. on Tuesday, 30th August, 2022, interalia, have considered and approved the followings: 1. Approved the Notice of 39th Annual General meeting of the Company to be held on 30th September, 2022 at ' Marvel Hall', B-35, Gurunanakpura, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092 at 2:30 PM; 2. Approved the Board Report; 3. Fixed the Book Closure date (From 24.09.2022 to 30.09.2022) both days Inclusive; 4. Approved the Cut-off date on 23.09.2022; 5. Other Matters; This is for your kind information and record please.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 30/08/2022)
Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Schedule III Part A of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 we are enclosing herewith a copy of notice for convening 39th Annual General Meeting of the Company which is scheduled to be held on Friday the 30th Day of September, 2022 at 02:30 PM at 'Marvel Hall', B-35, Gurunanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar Delhi-110092 to transact the Businesses as set out in the Notice. Further, Pursuant to the Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listing Disclosure and Obligation Requirements Regulation 2015, The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from Saturday 24th day of September, 2022 to Friday 30th day of September, 2022 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of AGM. You are requested to kindly take note of the above.
Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Schedule III Part A of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 we are enclosing herewith a copy of notice for convening 39th Annual General Meeting of the Company which is scheduled to be held on Friday, the 30th Day of September, 2022 at 02:30 PM at, 'Marvel Hall', B-35, Gurunanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092 to transact the Businesses as set out in the Notice. You are requested to kindly take note of the above.
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 7/9/2022)
Dear Sir/ Madam, We are pleased to inform you that 39th Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company was held on Friday, the 30th Day of September, 2022 at 02:30 PM (concluded at 3:45 PM) at 'Marvel Hall', B-35, Gurunanakpura, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092. In this connection, we are submitting the proceedings of the meeting. This is for your information and record.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 30.09.2022)
AGM Date: 28 Sep 2023
AGM 28/09/2023
The Register of Members and share transfer books will be closed from Friday 22 September 2023 till Thursday 28 September 2023 for purpose of AGM
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on: 16/08/2023)
Pursuant to Provisions of Section 108 of Companies Act 2013 and Regulation 44 of Sebi (LODR) Regulations 2015, Company has fixed Thursday , September 21, 2023 as a cut off date to record entitlement of members to cast their votes electronically for the business to be transacted at 40th AGM of Company.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on: 16/08/2023)
AGM Date: 30 Sep 2024
Dear Sir Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Schedule III , Part A of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 , We are enclosing here with a copy of Notice for convening 41st Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Please find attached the Proceeding of AGM of Company held on 30.09.2024.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on: 01/10/2024)