AGM Date: 25 Apr 2022
Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company from Tuesday, 19th April 2022 to Monday, 25th April 2022, both days inclusive, for the purpose of AGM and determining the shareholders entitled for dividend
In accordance with General Circular No. 21/2021 dated 14th December, 2021, read with General Circular No. 20/2020 dated 5 May, 2020, General Circular No. 02/2021 dated 13th January, 2021 and General Circular No. 19/2021 dated 8th December, 2021 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (the MCA Circulars) the Company has published a public notice by way of an advertisement in today''s edition of Business Standard (in English) and Sakal (in Marathi) in respect of 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held through Video Conferencing on Monday, 25th April, 2022, specifying therein the matters as prescribed in the MCA Circulars. Pursuant to Regulation 47 read with Regulation 30 of SEBI Listing Requirements, please find enclosed herewith a copy of the public notice published in the aforesaid newspapers
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated 25.03.2022)
We wish to inform that, the 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of Mahindra CIE Automotive Limited ('the Company') will be held on Monday, 25th April, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. (IST) through Video Conference (VC) / Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM), without the physical presence of the Members at a common venue, in compliance with General Circular No. 21/2021 dated 14th December 2021, read with General Circular No. 20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020, General Circular No. 02/2021 dated 13th January, 2021 and General Circular No. 19/2021 dated 8th December, 2021, (MCA Circulars) and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and Rules made thereunder. The proceedings of the AGM shall be deemed to be conducted at the Registered Office of the Company situated at Suite F9D, Grand Hyatt Plaza (Lobby Level), Off Western Express Highway, Santacruz (E) Mumbai 400055 which shall be the deemed Venue of the AGM.
Pursuant to Regulation 34(1)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are enclosing herewith the Annual Report of the Company for the financial year ended on 31st December 2021 which inter-alia comprises the Standalone and Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st December, 2021 and Report of the Board of Directors and Auditors Report thereon. The Annual Report is also available on the website of the Company at the web-link:
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 29/3/2022)
Please find enclosed the Voting Results (i.e. result of remote e-voting together with that of e-voting during the AGM) in the prescribed format under Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 along-with consolidated Report of the Scrutinizer, in respect of the businesses transacted at the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company held on 25th April, 2022. Based on the consolidated report of the Scrutinizer, as annexed, all resolutions as set out in the Notice of the 23rd Annual General Meeting have been duly approved by the members with requisite majority. The same is also being uploaded on the website of the Company i.e.
In accordance with Regulation 30 read with clause 13 of Para A of Part A of schedule III of Listing Regulations, 2015, we are submitting herewith the proceedings of the AGM. We are also attaching herewith summary of the businesses transacted at the AGM and result thereof.
The members of the Company at their 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 25th April, 2022 have considered and approved, with requisite majority, the appointment of M/s. B S R & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 101248W/W-100022) (BSR) as Statutory Auditors of the Company for a term of five consecutive years from the conclusion of 23rd AGM of the Company till the conclusion of 28th AGM of the Company to be held in the year 2027 including the manner in which the remuneration and other term of appointment of the Auditors shall be fixed. We further wish to inform you that, M/s. Price Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLP, Chartered Accountants, have completed their term as the Statutory Auditors on conclusion of the 23rd AGM of the Company.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 25.04.2022)
Mahindra CIE Automotive Ltd has informed BSE regarding the details of Voting results of AGM, under Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
(As per BSE Announcement Dated on 26/4/2022)
In compliance with General Circular No. 21/2021 read with General Circular Nos. 02 of 2021, 14 of 2020, 19 of 2021, 17 of 2020 and 20 of 2020 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the transcript of the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company held on 25th April 2022 through Video Conference ('VC') / Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) has been uploaded on the website of the Company The copy of the same is enclosed herewith. Kindly acknowledge receipt and take the same on the records.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 17.05.2022)
AGM Date: 09 Jun 2023
The Board at their meeting held today, approved / noted the following:
1. convening the 24th AGM of the Members of the Company through VC / OAVM on Friday, 9th June, 2023 at 03:30 p.m.
2. Mr. Narahari Kadambi and Mr. Dhananjay Mungale were appointed as the Independent Directors (IDs) of the Company for a term Commencing from 29th Sept, 2019 to the date of AGM to be held following completion of 70 years of their age, subject to the condition that the term shall not exceed 5 consecutive years commencing from 29th Sept, 2019. Accordingly, it is hereby informed that both Mr. Kadambi and Mr. Mungale shall complete their term of appointment as IDs of the Company on the date of ensuing AGM. The Board placed on record its sincere appreciation of the contributions Mr. Mungale and Mr. Narahari made towards the success of the Company during their tenure.
3. In view of the retirement of the IDs, the Board re-constituted various committees w.e.f. 25th April, 2023, details annexed.
The Board of Directors at their meeting held today, approved to close the Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books of the Company from 3rd June, 2023 to 9th June, 2023 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of the 24thAGM of the Company to be held on 9th June, 2023 and determining the shareholders entitled for the Final Dividend for the FY ended 31st December 2022, as recommended by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on 22nd February, 2023 and as may be declared at the AGM, and that the said Final Dividend will be paid on or after 13th June, 2023 to those Shareholders or their mandates: whose names appear as Beneficial Owners as per the data made available by NSDL and CDSL in respect of the shares held in electronic form at the close of business hours on Friday 2nd June, 2023; and whose names appear as Members in respect of shares held in Physical Form as per the Register of Members of the Company on the close of business hours on Friday 2nd June, 2023.
In accordance with General Circular Nos. 10/2022 dated 28th December, 2022, 20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020, 02/2022 dated 5th May, 2022 and other relevant circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (the MCA Circulars) the Company has published a public notice by way of an advertisement in today's edition of Business Standard (in English) and Sakal (in Marathi) in respect of 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held through Video Conference (VC)/Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) on Friday, 9th June, 2023, specifying therein the matters as prescribed in the MCA Circulars.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 06.05.2023)
We wish to inform that, the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of Mahindra CIE Automotive Limited (the Company) will be held on Friday, 9th June, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. (IST) through Video Conference (VC)/Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM), without the physical presence of the Members at a common venue, compliance with General Circular Nos. 10/2022 dated 28th December, 2022, 20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020, 02/2022 dated 5th May, 2022 and other relevant circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and Rules made thereunder. The proceedings of the AGM shall be deemed to be conducted at the Registered Office of the Company situated at Suite F9D, Grand Hyatt Plaza (Lobby Level), Off Western Express Highway, Santacruz (E) Mumbai 400055 which shall be the deemed Venue of the AGM. The Copy of Notice is attached herewith.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 11.05.2023)
In accordance with General Circular Nos. 10/2022 dated 28th December, 2022, 20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020, 02/2022 dated 5th May, 2022 and other relevant circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and Rules made thereunder, the Company has published a public notice by way of an advertisement in today's edition of Business Standard (in English) and Sakal (in Marathi) in respect of 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held through Video Conferencing on Friday, 9th June, 2023, specifying therein the matters as prescribed in the MCA Circulars. Pursuant to Regulation 47 read with Regulation 30 of SEBI Listing Regulations, please find enclosed herewith a copy of the public notice published in the aforesaid newspapers.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 18.05.2023)
Please find enclosed the Voting Results (i.e. result of remote e-voting together with that of e-voting during the AGM) in the prescribed format under Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 along-with consolidated Report of the Scrutinizer, in respect of the businesses transacted at the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company held on 9th June, 2023. Based on the consolidated report of the Scrutinizer, as annexed, all resolutions as set out in the Notice of the 24th Annual General Meeting have been duly approved by the members with requisite majority.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 08.06.2023)
We refer to our letter dated 25th April, 2023 informing about the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of the Company. The AGM was held today i.e. 9th June, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. (IST) through Video Conference (VC)/Other Audit Visual Means (OAVM) without the physical presence of the Members at a common venue, in compliance with General Circular No. 10/2022 dated 28th December, 2022, read with General Circular No. 20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020, and other relevant circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations). In accordance with Regulation 30 read with clause 13 of Para A of Part A of schedule III of Listing Regulations, 2015, we are submitting herewith the proceedings of the AGM. We are also attaching herewith summary of the businesses transacted at the AGM and result thereof.
(As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 08.06.2023)
In compliance with General Circular Nos. 10/2022 dated 28th December, 2022, 20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020, 02/2022 dated 5th May, 2022 and other relevant circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder, the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company was held on 9th June, 2023 through Video Conference/ Other Audio-Visual Means. The transcript of the 24th Annual General Meeting is enclosed herewith. The same is also being uploaded on the website of the Company i.e., Kindly acknowledge the receipt and take the same on records.
(As Per BSE Announcement dated on 23.06.2023)