How can I convert my order from Intraday to Delivery?

Yes, you can. You’d have to convert the Intraday Positions into Delivery before 3:15pm of the trade day.

Steps to convert intraday trades into delivery trades:

Step 1:  Log in to the mobile application.
Step 2:  On the main dashboard, locate the menu or navigation bar. Look for the "Stocks" option and tap on it to proceed to the stocks section.
Step 3:  In the Stocks section, find and click on the "Portfolio" option.

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Step 4:  Within the Portfolio view, click on Position and select script name.
Step 5:  Select option, tap on “Convert” option to initiate the conversion process.
Step 6:  Enter the quantity of shares you wish to convert & click on the "Convert" button to finalize the process.

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Step 7:  Confirmation message will be displayed stating share have been successfully converted into delivery.

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Last updated: 4 Months Ago



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